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Friday, 13 July 2012

Installing JDK on Windows

Installing JDK on Windows

If you want to write and run a program the you will need a development kit. This compiles your source code and run the app. In Java, the tool is called Java Development KIT (JDK). This KIT contains the tools for compiling, running, packaging and etc.

What should know before get into details: Difference between JRE and JDK?
If you want to write and run a program then you will need a development kit. This compiles your source code and run the application. In Java, the tool is called Java Development KIT (JDK). This JDK contains the tools for compiling, running, packaging and etc.
JRE is the Java Runtime Environment. This contain the tool for running the Java application (not for developing). A user, other than a developer, who is going to run a Java program can use JRE. No need to get JDK as the user is not going to develop a program.

Where to download JDK?

SUN has a long list of versions of JDK that they have released so far. you can select the java version and the operating system on which you plan to use ( e.g.: JDK 1.5, Windows 32bit) .
Download it to your local machine. If you cannot find the one you want in the listing then look for the previous releases and download it. Once you download, execute the exe file with default option, it will install everything you.

Once it is installed, open the command prompt (Start ->Run->Type 'cmd' and press 'OK') and type java. You will get a list of options for command 'java' and that indicates that you installed JDK successfully. If you do not see the options listed, then that means the Java path is not in the system environment and you need to set it.

How to set system environment variable

·         Let's assume it is installed in the folder "C:/tools/jdk1.5"
·         Right click on the My Computer icon on your desktop and select properties
·         Click the Advanced Tab
·         Click the Environment Variables button
·         Under System Variable, select "Path" and click "edit"
·         Append ;C:/tools/jdk1.5/bin at the end of the value of "Path"
·         Click OK
·         Click Apply Change
Now open the command prompt again (Start ->Run->Type 'cmd' and press 'OK') and type java. You will get a list of options for command 'java'.

Video for installing JDK



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